Whiteholmes Farm, Birchover Lane, Winster, Matlock, Derbyshire,UK. DE4 2BJ
Contact@WhiteholmesApiaries.com |
Tel: Robert - 07528029390
Anthony - 07761956028
Getting started in beekeeping
"A Simple Guide to start your beekeeping journey"
To get started in your own beekeeping journey, you only need the 6 following things:
1. Bees:
I recommend starting with a Nucleus colony.
A Nucleus Colony, also known as a "Nuc," represents a smaller, self-contained bee colony, containing a queen bee, her worker bees, brood, and the necessary resources such as honey, pollen. When buying a Nuc, you want to make sure the frame size fits inside your beehive which you are buying
2. Beehive:
I recommend a British National hive. The British Standard National hive is the most commonly used beehive in the U.K. and Ireland. The history is a bit vague, but it seems to have been introduced around 1920, or slightly before. The design is still popular in the 2020's amongst hobbyist and bee farmers.
3. Hive Tool:
Essential for hive inspections and maintenance. My favourite in the J-hook hive tool.
The J-Hook Hive Tool is like the Swiss Army knife for beekeepers. Shaped like a 'J', it's your go-to tool for effortlessly prying open beehive boxes and frames. This tool helps with lifting frames and scraping away sticky propolis and wax, making hive inspections and maintenance easier.
4. Bee Feeder:
There are many different types of feeders, for your first hive I recommend a rapid feeder. Typically holds 2 litres of syrup. This allows you to feed the your honeybees in times where there is a nectar dearth (No incoming nectar for the bees to eat)
5. Bee Suit:
Invest in a beekeeping suit, for safety during beekeeping tasks. I recommend a full suit. Having a full suit gives you the confidence to get your colony inspections done, no matter the weather.
6. Smoker:
A bee smoker is a device used to calm the bees before and during your inspections. Inside a colony there can be up to 60,000 honeybees, so utilizing a smoker to calm the bees and make your inspection easier is a must have device
With these 6 items, you are ready to start your beekeeping journey.
Additional Tips for new Beekeepers
(Click on the below links to be re-directed to the pages to learn more):
Any questions with regards to becoming a beekeeper, don't hesitate to contact us, we have helped over 100 people become beekeepers (as of spring 2023)